In the realm of energy-efficient lighting, LED technology has emerged as a prominent choice, offering numerous advantages over traditional lighting systems. However, optimizing LED power supply goe...
In the last decade and so, Tauras has attended to world’s famous and important lighting trad shows around the world. We takes exhibitions seriously, because we cherish each opportunity to showcase ...
We are glad to announce that our brand new super thin led power supply for Mirror Lighting launched! Here is specs of HVAC series.
Product Case is as thin as 16.5mm !
Output Voltage 12V / 24V
Compared with LED lighting, the structure of LED driver is more complicated, and there will be more factors to check, so that LED driver often fails before LED lighting. It’s estimated that, more t...
Compared with LED lighting, the structure of LED driver is more complicated, and there will be more factors to check, so that LED driver often fails before LED lighting. It’s estimated that, more t...
Nothing makes space go from splendor to squalor quicker than a flickering bulb.
It’s one of those things that you want to get fixing right away, so here’s a quick rundown of the reasons why your LE...